Burning DVD's: The Storage Revolution Is Here

Autor: ajames
Entertainment is a prime source of our relaxation. By this, I mean television and film. If you're one of the three people who refuse to indulge in cinema, then you're missing out. The technology we have today is ideal for any movie spectators. As we all know, VHS is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Just like with cassette tapes, the compact disks are taking over. DVDs are becoming more prominent everywhere we go. It's even possible to rent them online and never have to leave your home. How convenient is that? No more rewinding, no more filthy VCR heads to clean; it's a dream come true. With the madness of DVDs these days, more and more people are taking advantage of their home computers. The digital versatile discs can be downloaded to our laptops with the push of a button. We can actually create DVDs of our own.

My brother has the most extensive collection of DVDs of anyone I know. I believe he has close to a thousand at this point. He's always emailing me his latest list of titles in alphabetical order. I can barely even sort through them all. That's a lot of choices. He typically wants to know if I crave any new flicks. Since he already has the DVDs, he can easily download them to his laptop, and then create DVDs to pass on to me. This is a pretty choice way to get entertainment if you ask me. Free is always good. I currently have about 30 different titles that he's made for me. So much for paying 15 bucks a pop. This seems to be a common trend these days. Many people will buy and share. Whether they create DVDs or CDs, they save money when they trade around. You can pick and choose your music these days by song. You don't want the CD? No problem, you can buy individual songs online for typically about a dollar a piece, and then create your own CDs.

If you're not up to snuff with the whole Internet process, it's time to hop online. Many of the computers we purchase today have the ability to burn DVDs and CDs. You should definitely take advantage of this feature. This is a wonderful way to create the mixed CDs of your choice. If your buddy has a cool new DVD that you've been wanting to check out, have them burn a copy for you. In order to create DVDs, you simply need some blank disks, which run rather cheap. Burn whatever video or music you please. This is only a sample of the innovations yet to come.

Source: Free Articles

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