Why People Do Not Go for Professional Data Recovery?

Autor: jameswalsh

Right from important official documents to the photos of your loved ones, the data on the computer has a lot of financial and emotional worth attached to it. So, whenever there is a data loss, we are shocked and try every possible means to recover the data.

Professional data recovery services are the best options for data recovery. They offer high probability of data recovery as compared to other recovery methods. However, data recovery services also have their own limitations. Let us see some of the limitations of these recovery services, which make people to have a second thought before opting for these services.

Limitations of Data Recovery Services

1. Cost Factor: Data recovery services are costlier than any other means of data recovery. Recovery services require special infrastructure, equipments and software. The cost spent on all these facilities would be passed on to the customer leading to heavy cost of recovery services. On the other hand, data recovery software available on the internet is extremely cheap and affordable.

2. Inconvenience: When you choose a data recovery service, it becomes your responsibility to ship the storage media to the company. If the storage media happens to be internal device such as hard drive, you would be required to open the system tower and remove the device from it before finding a courier company to ship it out. Once, it is returned, you would have to physically install it back in the computer.

This requires effort on the part of the customer which many would not be willing to undertake. Also, a person needs to be knowledgeable about computers in order to open the computer and install/uninstall the hard drive.

3. Time Factor: Unlike data recovery software that works instantaneously, data recovery services could be time-consuming. Apart from the time taken to ship the storage media to and fro, considerable amount of time would be taken for evaluation and actual recovery of data. The turnaround time could be several weeks. Usually, only when a data is extremely crucial and immediately required, do we avail of data recovery services. Hence, having it recovered so late might prove to be useless.

There are companies that offer express service. However, faster the service, higher would be the cost of recovery.

4. Classified Information: Sometimes, you might want to recover important and confidential data that cannot be shared with anyone. Your data might be viewed by the recovery experts and if there happens to be unscrupulous personnel among them, your data could be sold for monetary gains. Hence, in cases where the data should not be accessed by a third party, the customers would opt for data recovery software so that their data does not fall into wrong hands.

5. Trusting the Unknown: Some of the computer users might not be ready to entrust their storage media and the data with a person whose expertise they are unaware of. When the data or the storage device is really invaluable to the customer, they might not want it to be handled without their direct supervision. In these cases, they would rather prefer data recovery software, which they can use it on their own.

6. Credibility of the Company: Although it is easier to check out the credibility of a physical recovery company as compared to an online company, we cannot be completely sure of the expertise of all the people working in the place. While the company could indeed have a few experts, they might operate with skeleton staff. Whenever there is excessive work, these companies tend to outsource their recovery job to third party outfits, who work on meagre commission. We cannot estimate the expertise of these third party outfits and our data might be in danger.

The Final Word

Every form of data recovery has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, before choosing a particular type of recovery, make sure to select the one that suits your requirement. For example, if your data is crucial and you have time, opt for data recovery services. On the other hand, if the data is not very important and you have lost it due to a simple OS issue, choose data recovery software.

Still better is to have multiple backups of all your important data, so that you need not worry or spend money and time in trying to recover it after losing it.

Source: Free Articles

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