What are Homemade Batteries?

Author: mildredvptl

The homemade batteries as the name suggests are made up of the items that can be easily found in the house. The electrolyte of the cell is made up of the fluid that contains charged particles. Smaller units of electricity can be generated from the glass of soft drink, lemon or potato by inserting two electrodes in this liquid. In this way, homemade batteries can be developed. There is a clock named “two-potato clock” which contains a pair of cells and two electrodes connected to each potato or lemon. They are wired in series in order to form a battery through which sufficient current can be passed to generate a digital clock.
Remember that the acids when present in the water will form ions which serve as the charged particles in the electric current. One of the examples of homemade batteries is the lemon battery. The citric acid is present in the lemon juice. The batteries made of lemon are formed by placing two electrodes of zinc as anode and copper as cathode in the electrolyte which is the lemon juice. Make sure that they do not touch each other. Another example of homemade batteries is the potato battery which works very similar to the lemon battery. The only difference is the electrolyte in the potato battery is the phosphoric acid. You can also make homemade batteries from the fruits and vegetables.
The homemade batteries can be used much in the real time because the power generated by them is extremely low as compared to the commercial batteries.
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