Accreditation of Online Degrees and Diploma Mills

Autor: degreesboard
All the online degree programs at the DegreesBoard website are from accredited higher education institutions and therefore they are valued by employers in the same way as the traditional (campus) degrees from those colleges/universities. Please pay attention that every page about a college/university at our website has the information about the accreditation of that institution. This information is essential when you look for some degree program since if the institution which provides that program is not accredited, than your degree will not be valued highly by prospective employers.

But, beware of the other answer: No!
Many "online degrees" which are advertised on the Internet are not accredited and the employers look at these as just pieces of paper which have no value. There are a lot of diploma mills out there and be aware when you choose an online degree program, because you can easily be wasting your time, money and effort.

We at DegreesBoard website do not provide information on this kind of "online degrees". Please note that some of these diploma mills use unapproved organizations as their "accrediting agencies" so that they would look legitimate - but they are not and their certificates are practically worthless.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of unaccredited educational institutions which provide students with degrees which are practically worthless. Since they do not have accreditation from an approved accrediting agency their degree programs are essentially fraudulent - and the students who enroll at these institutions practically waste their money, time and effort since their degrees are not valued by prospective employers (or anyone else, which also means that they can't continue their education at some accredited university). These institutions are referred to as diploma mills.

In most cases, diploma mills offer completion of degree programs for significantly lower costs and time than the accredited ones. In some cases, they even have similar names as reputable universities, in an attempt to use the confusion or lack of awareness.

In order not to be deceived by diploma mills always have in mind the three characteristics of online degree programs mentioned in the first lesson (accredited, from recognized institution, leading to a recognized degree).

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