Significance of Panchakarma in Ayurveda

Author: swornalakshmi

Ayurveda emphasizes preventative and healing therapies along with various methods of purification and rejuvenation. Ayurveda is more than a mere healing system; it is a science and an art of appropriate living, which helps to achieve longevity. Panchakarma is Ayurveda’s primary purification and detoxification treatment. Panchakarma means the “five therapies”. It is a comprehensive system of knowledge and practices to purify the body of toxins and restore it to balance with natural law.
These five therapeutic means of eliminating toxins from the body are Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Basti and Raktamoskshana. This series of five therapies help remove deep-rooted stress and illness causing toxins from the body while balancing the doshas (energies that govern all biological functions). Panchakarma plays a vital role in Ayurvedic medicine, both in health as well as in disease. Although panchakarma is often thought of as the entire procedure, it really is only one part of a group of therapies belonging to a class of cleansing procedures called shodan.
In today’s world when more and more people are falling prey to the adverse effects of stress and anxiety, which is leading to diseases like improper digestion, lack of sleep, allergies, chronic fatigue, cancer, heart diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis etc. The importance of pancha karma in ayurveda is borne out by the fact that it is applicable to all cases covering a wide range of preventive, curative, and promotive conditions. These diseases are caused mainly due to deeply seated toxins.
With the process of Panchakarma it eliminates these toxins from the body, allowing healing permanently of tissues, channels, digestion and mental functions. In Ayurveda, the treatment is broadly divided into two categories: Shodhana and Shamana. Curing the disease by cleaning out the impurities is called Shodhana chikitsa, which is the principle of Panchakarma. It involves the clearing of vitiated doshas (vata, pitta and kapha) which cause the disease and thereby the restoration of equilibrium of doshas. Please Purchase Online

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